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Welcome to Baby Bliss

Having a baby and becoming a parent is such an exciting time in your life, full of precious moments that you will treasure forever. It is probably one of the toughest things that you will ever do, though undoubtedly it will be the most rewarding. At times you will feel stressed, exhausted, anxious and confused by this little person and all their needs. The constant changes that you will face can be challenging. You just get a grasp of one stage only for it to change. This can be tough for a first time Mum, as probably up until now, you have had quite a bit of control over your own life. Suddenly you have this little person, who is totally dependent upon you and this can sometimes feel really overwhelming.

You will learn so much about yourself during this journey. Motherhood is such a beautiful and powerful experience but it can be really hard and it may not come naturally or easily to some women. Some women have never had anything to do with babies before they have their own, while others have been surrounded by babies all their life. However it does not make you immune to the challenges that some babies bring, the more babies you have had either. Every baby is so different, so it is really important to work out what will work best for you and this baby. This can be really stressful, as you will be offered a lot of well-intentioned advice from people around you, which can sometimes cause even more confusion and bewilderment. Keep things simple and listen to a couple of people whom you trust and that you know their advice is based on good experience and evidence based knowledge. With sound advice and support, you will know what feels right for you and your baby, so trust your instincts. Babies are much more resilient than you think, so are very forgiving with the many mistakes that we all make as parents. This precious time will go by so quickly, so most importantly, love and nurture your baby and they will do absolutely fine.

My Services

At Baby Bliss I provide a personal consultation service, offering several services and sessions that cater for all parents needs from before your baby is born until your baby is 12 months old. Though my background is as a Midwife, I provide this service, not as your Midwife but rather as your Baby Advisor. I will be there to not only educate and guide you confidently, removing some of the stress and the unknown during those early weeks but to also help you with any challenges that you may face with your baby, regarding feeding, settling or sleeping. I work in conjunction with your own Midwife or other Lead Maternity Carer in this support and advisory role.

I am absolutely passionate about educating parents because I know how powerful knowledge is. When you have a clear understanding of what to expect, it gives you the ability to relax and really enjoy this precious time. If any challenges come your way, then you will be prepared and will know what to do. Then, if you need any extra support or reassurance during this time I can be there for you, via phone, email or by coming into your home and providing you with personalised care that is tailored specifically for you, your baby and your family.

With the experience I have gained, working as a Nurse and a Midwife and being a mother of 3 children, I understand the realities of parenthood and the challenges that come with it, so feel free to get in touch with me at anytime and we can have a chat and work out how best I can help you. I really look forward to meeting you and being a part of this special journey that you are now on.

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