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Client Reviews

I have had the privilege to work with some really lovely mums, dads and beautiful babies over the years. I always feel so blessed to share in a small part of their journey.

Here are some reviews that some mums have taken the time to write. As well as being a soul filler for me, hopefully it will help you see the value in what I do for mums and what I could do for you and your family.

We want to recommend Elysia to other new parents. We were really pleased with the support and advice we received and it made a real difference to our first few months. It was like having Mary Poppins turn up at the door to help sort things out – Elysia has tonnes of knowledge but also a gentle approach which worked well for us as new parents. She has lots to share about how to think about babies and sleeping, but also real practical tips and tricks. Go for it!

Karen Lewis

I contacted Elysia following a recommendation from a friend who sought her help a few years ago. My three month old decided to forget how to sleep around a month ago and I was giving up each night by letting him sleep in my bed (just me and him), and we were both heavily reliant on the dummy. Clearly these habits weren’t condusive to either of us getting a good night’s sleep. My lads napping had also gone out the window with catnapping his go-to and full-narnar crying when they’d finished.Elysia identified that he was overtired, too long between naps, contributing to the shortness of them, and she gave me some awesome advice and soothing techniques.

In four days I’ve seen marked improvement. Dummy is gone for sleeping, very little crying, a boy who can now chat himself to sleep, and today our first 2 hour nap in aaaaages after three consecutive nights of markedly improved sleep. Can you tell I’m impressed? And all via a phone call. Thanks Elysia for the tips and being our Sleep Cheerleader!! 

Haemia, Dan & Reuben.

We reached out to Elysia via a Facebook group. As first time parents with a 5 1/2 month old boy who hadn’t slept anywhere but on us since birth, we were pulling our hair out, exhausted and sleeping in separate rooms. We had tried so many techniques, read just about every book on the market, bought every sleep aid there was in the stores, and still it wasnt working, so we needed professional help.. and that’s exactly what we got. Within a day of reaching out we had our consultation call and then a few days later our longer educational call. 

To be honest at first I was a little skeptical, wondering how someone could talk you through settling your baby over the phone and getting them to sleep in their own bassinet for the first time. But all our questions were answered, Elysia gave so much insightful information and reasoning on why she advised what she did and she gave us the reassurance that we just needed to trust that it would work. So that evening we did exactly as she suggested, we went through our sleep routine step by step…and boom, our little boy was out like a light in his own bassinet. We sent Elysia a message and photo showing her what seemed like an absolute miracle! We couldn’t believe it!

She called us a week later for our follow up and we were so glad to share our amazing success with Theo. Since then we have had him sleeping by himself every nap, and also most the night. We are over the moon and cant thank her enough for her teaching us the skills to help our little boy get a decent sleep. We 100% recommend Elysia to anyone who is having trouble with their little one and sleep. She is professional, very knowledgeable, kind, caring and she works with you and what you are comfortable with. Thank you so much for all your help Elysia, you are an absolute gem!

Danika Cooper


Elysia is amazing. My baby was only sleeping in her bassinet in the living room and took ages to settle. Elysia spent 3 hours with us and everything just suddenly made sense. My girl now takes regular naps during the day and sleeps through the night. The lady is a genius. Thank you soooo much Elysia.


Elysia pretty much saved my sanity. I was struggling with a baby who wouldn’t seem to sleep at all during the day and was a nightmare to settle at night. She spent 3 hours with us and helped me to put an easy plan in place and understand my baby’s cues better. He was a different baby within a couple of days of using my new skills and knowledge. We now have regular day time naps both out and about and in his bassinet and I/m getting more sleep at night now than when I had a 9-5 job! Hands down best money I’ve ever spent. Highly recommend. Thanks so much Elysia

Clare & Leo

Wish we saw Elysia earlier! Our little girl was never a great sleeper but had been constantly cat napping through the day and waking hourly at night for a bout 5 weeks before we saw Elysia. She was very unsettled and hard to calm down which was very challenging. After spending 4.5 hours with Elysia, we had the knowledge and tools in place to make massive improvements! On the second day she slept a 6.5 hour block in the night and was sleeping for 2 sleep cycles for at least 2 sleeps in her cot from there on. We have a completely different baby to before – chilled, happy and not overtired! I couldn’t recommend Elysia enough – I truly feel like she cared so much about our little family and is such a warm and kind person. It’s obvious that she absolutely loves what she does – and no wonder…she’s amazing at it! Can’t thank her enough for what she has done for us.

Carlie, Dimitri (& a very grateful Mila) xx


I rang Elysia in desperate help for advice to make my 3.5 month old sleep on her own after ditching the dummy. Used her techniques consistently and within a couple days she was sleeping on her own in no time! Highly recommend Elysia she truely is a life saver!



I cannot rate Elysia highly enough. I was struggling to adapt to this whole mothering thing and felt out of my depth with feeding and settling my new baby. Elysia had been recommended to me by a friend and she couldn’t be more grateful for what Elysia had done for her so I gave her a call when my baby was 6 week old. From our very first conversation with Elysia I felt more confident. She has such a lovely gentle caring nature so I really felt that she listened to me with all the concerns that I had and I felt so reassured and supported by her. My husband and I learnt so much in our sessions with Elysia and we both felt so much more confident with our parenting with all the tools and skills that she gave to us. A personal session like this is definitely the way to go as everything is focused on you and your baby.  I am so grateful for everything that she did for us and recommend her to anyone that has had a baby whether they are having issues or not as it sets you up so well from the very start. It has made a huge difference to my approach to mothering and I am absolutely loving being a mother now to my beautiful wee girl, Millie. 

Jane, Stephen & Millie


Being at my wits end with a baby that suddenly wouldn’t sleep and when he did sleep it was only for 30 mins, I contacted Elysia. Her warm, supportive personality combined with her expansive knowledge that she has makes it super easy to digest, has given the tools I need to feel confident again in this parenting game. I can finally see the forest for the trees and since our consult I have managed to get my son down for all his naps using her techniques!


I met with Elysia when my baby boy was just a month old. She helped me grow my confidence to breastfeed exclusively after a lot of challenges and gave us awesome tips on settling and getting a better sleeping pattern established. I learnt so much in just a few hours. Thanks so much!


Last week Elysia spoke at one of our regular coffee group meet ups. She was extremely generous with her time, not only speaking to the whole group about sleep at 3 to 6 months but also taking the time to answer our individual questions about issues that we were having with our babies. She is very knowledgeable, kind and cares deeply. I have already started to work towards a gentle routine for my 10 week old, using the knowledge she gave us about wake times and sleep times. As a result my daughter is in a better mood, having had more daytime naps. I’ve yet to master the self settling techniques fully with my daughter, but know that I can contact Elysia for more one to one advice and it would be money well spent. Doing a group session is an affordable way to understand your babies sleep.

Sandy Haggart



Elysia came to visit us when our son was a month old. The information and advice she gave us at this time was so valuable as it helped to set us up right from the start. After Elysia’s visit we felt confident and prepared with a great set of tools to help us get our our boy to sleep quickly and efficiently. Elysia is absolutely lovely, down to earth and very approachable making the session with her relaxing and enjoyable. The information she gave us was easy to understand and practices were super easy to put in place. Since our meeting with Elysia our son has been a champion sleeper! Thank you Baby Bliss! Highly recommend.



Elysia is such a kind, caring, relaxed and down to earth lady. She is so knowledgeable about babies and built our confidence, particularly with breastfeeding. We chose to do the Preparing for Baby package and found it invaluable. Elysia gave us all the information, tools and skills that we needed right from the start so I felt really prepared when I had Georgie. Right from those very first days it all just fell into place so I felt that it gave me such a privileged head start compared to other mothers around me in hospital and in my coffee group. Even the Midwives commented to me about my knowledge and understanding around breastfeeding and how relaxed I was as a first time Mum! My husband Adam also really valued the extra thought that Elysia gave to him with the advice on how important his role is as a husband and father during those first few months and how best he could support me in my new role as a mother. We are so grateful to everything that Elysia did for us and would highly recommend her to all new mothers. Thank you so much Elysia. 

Tracey, Adam & Georgie

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