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0-3 Months In-home Personal Session

$250:    3 Hours
$350:     Shared Session – 3 Hours 

Feel free to share this session with a friend or with someone from your Coffee Group. It includes a weeks Phone support, a Follow-up phone call and Booklet for you both. So $175 each. 


0-3 Months is a time when you can set up a really strong foundation and this session will give you a great head start and a clear understanding of what to expect during your baby’s first 3 months. This is a really important time in your baby’s development as they transition from the womb to their new world and understanding this stage (known as the 4th Trimester) and treating your baby as if they are still in the womb during this time is key. Newborns do not have the brain connections in place to be able to calm or soothe themselves so they will need your help to do this until these brain connections are in place which is not until your baby is around 12-16 weeks old. I will teach you how you can calm, settle and resettle your baby and show you how you can do this in a very gentle and nurturing way based on the replication of the womb environment.

You will also learn how you can gently encourage healthy sleeping habits in your newborn. These key concepts and skills are then easily built upon as your baby enters the next stage in their development.

Though you will learn some really valuable skills around your baby’s sleep, I want you to remember that it is always really important to tap into your own instincts as a Mum and to always respond to your baby’s cues. Knowledge is power and it can set you up with a really healthy mindset, allowing you to relax and really enjoy this precious time for you and your baby but there is no right or wrong way of doing things. Every baby is different so keep it simple, trust your instincts and common sense and with a bit of trial and error you will start to work out what will be best for you and your baby.

When I am in your home I also have the advantage of observing you in your own setting and how you are managing things with your baby through their feed, wake and sleep cycle. I learn a lot from this observation and so will be able to give you lots of helpful advice, support and reassurance throughout my visit. You will also have the opportunity to share me with any concerns that you may have and will have plenty of time during our session to ask me loads of questions. Most Mums have a list of questions written down before I arrive and I really encourage this.


A Booklet: Of all the information that is discussed in the session so that you can refer back to it in your own time.

A Weeks Phone Support:  You can contact me at anytime to clarify anything that you feel you need more guidance or understanding on during the week following your session.

A Follow-up Phone call: One week on from your session I will contact you to check in and see how things have been going for you. I always look forward to these calls because I usually hear about how much more relaxed and confident you are feeling with using all of your new tools and skills!

In this session you will learn about:

The 4th Trimester


Normal Sleep Behaviour of a Newborn

Understanding the Sleep Process: Sleep Cycles and Phases of Sleep

How to Encourage healthy Sleep Habits in your Newborn: Creating Positive Sleep Associations and Providing Consistent, Predictable Patterns and Rituals etc

Teaching your Baby how to Settle and Resettle

How to Prevent your Baby becoming Over tired or Over Stimulated


Normal Feeding Behaviour of a Newborn

Understanding the Breastfeeding Process

Baby-Led/Demand Feeding, Cluster Feeding and Growth Spurts

How Long should my Baby be on the Breast for?

How will I Know if my Baby is Getting Enough?

Creating a Feeding Ritual and Night Feeds

Wake Times

Normal Behaviour of a Newborn


Newborns are very unpredictable so it is not a time for rigid or inflexible routines. However by learning some of the key concepts and skills in this session and putting into place some predictable patterns and rituals you will have a better understanding and have a clearer foundation to work from. 

What is appropriate for a Newborn?

My 80:20 Rule 

Setting Technique

My recommended Settling Technique, including a Quick Guide

At the end of this session I want you to feel empowered with knowledge and to feel confident with all the skills that you have just learned. This is a very personalised session so it is tailored specifically for you and your baby. Have a look at the blog that I wrote on ‘A Typical session’ and read of some of the reviews from other Mums to give you a really good idea of how valuable a session like this can be.

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